MEETS: Every 3rd Saturday 9:00am – 10:30am
Chair – Joelle Fousé
Co-Chair – Trudi Foushee
Dept: Christan Life Enrichment & Student Ministries
To provide resources and services to enhance the quality of ministry, worship,
discipleship, and fellowship for our leaders and members as they answer the call to
obedience of the Great Commission. To provide library materials of a specific Christian
nature, which will educate, inform and inspire children, youth and adults. Our prayerful
hope is to meet the needs of all who enter our library in their Christian growth and
To provide resources and services to promote:
• Spiritual growth and maturity
• Effective service Christian education
• Living out our faith in the community and world today
• Encourage all members to study the word by providing appropriate resources of
reference for research in biblical studies
• Provide an opportunity for all to enjoy the fellowship of sharing good Christian
reading material
• Build a biblically oriented collection of reference books for study and research.